New Year and New Workout Routine

Shop Matador Meggings

I weighed in this morning at 199lbs. I REALLY enjoyed the holidays. LOL

I started a new routine during the last week and I will continue this routine until the 15lb weights I am using become not enough and then consider moving up dumbell weights or finding a new routine. I tried to keep my routine this past year with muscle work differing all the time but I still ended up in a not much changing routine.

I was able to increase my pull ups to 2 or 3. I will get to 10 by the end of this year.

I will make another post later with the actual moves but here is the basics.

Daily = 35 minute walk that roughly gets my 1.5 miles

4 days a week I will alternate between 2 different dumbell work outs that target the full body. I’ve done both of these work outs this past week and they take approx 30-40 minutes.

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